Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Discussion Questions

"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" Discussion Questions 
by Maria Garcia, Taylor Golisano and Maia Steese 

Image result for the absolutely true diary

Initial Impressions:
1. How did you feel about the ending? Were you satisfied with the ending?
2. What do you think Alexie's purpose of writing this book was?
3. After reading this book did it change your view on the world?

Discussion Questions:
1.Why did you think Sherman Alexie inserted the section about Turtle Lake?(With the mysterious horse carcass and flaming lake?
2. Do you think Arnold would be successful in his own way if he stayed on the reservation for the rest of his life?
3. Do you think the term "Indian" is comparable to other slang terms used within other cultural identities? (Is it appropriate for everyone to say?)
4. What adult do you think was the most influential in Junior/Arnold's life?
5.Which one of teachers played the most important role model to Junior/Arnold?

Image result for the absolutely true diary  Image result for the absolutely true diary the coach

6. Do you think Mary's death was a breaking point in Arnold's life? Were you surprised with Arnold's reaction to his sister's death? Do you think the laughing represented something?

                                       Image result for mary runs away absolutely-true-diary-part-time-indian

7. Do you think adding in the basketball scenes showcased his progress in his character development?
                                   Image result for the absolutely true diary the coach
8. After Junior and Rowdy make up in the end of the novel, do you forgive the physical and verbal violence Rowdy inflicted on Arnold? Do you think he makes up for it in the end?
                       Image result for the absolutely true diary
9. Do you think Arnold losing his grandmother, Eugene, and Mary due to the connections of alcohol, will keep him away from the consumption of alcohol ever in his life?

       Related image              Image result for the absolutely true diary eugene
10. What is the significance of Arnold spitting up cantaloupe after his sister died?


"I'm fourteen years old and I've been to forty-two funerals. That's really the biggest difference between Indians and white people." (199)

"But I looked over at the Wellpint Redskins, at Rowdy. I knew  that two or three of those Indians might not have eaten breakfast that morning."(195) 

"...'White girls are privileged. They're damsels in distress.' 'So what does that mean?' I asked. 'I think it means you're just a racist asshole like everybody else.' Wow." (117)  
"He may not have loved me perfectly, but he loved me as well as he could." (189) 

                                            Image result for the absolutely true diary  

"Gay people do anything. They were like Swiss Army knives!" (155) 
                           Did this  make you think of two-spirit?

"...well of course, man. We Indians have lost everything. We lost our native land. We lost our language, we lost our songs and dances. We lost each other. We only know how to lose and be lost."(173) How does this quote make you feel? Do you agree with what Arnold says?
Image result for the absolutely true diary
Do you think it was wrong of the mother to slap Arnold three times and say "Don't you ever drink!" (208) Or do you sympathize with her actions? 

                       1 in 10 Native American Deaths related to Alcohol 

Throughout the novel we see this overwhelming theme of Alcoholism in the Native American community. If you click on the above link it will lead you to the article discussing the data and statistics of the  alcohol related deaths in some Native American communities. In the article CDC epidemiologist, Dwayne Jarman conducted a study, specifically a national survey that measured Native American deaths (Spanning to the great plains and the Alaska area)  due to alcohol.
Here are a few quotes from the article:

  "11.7 percent of deaths among the Native American and Alaska Natives between 2001 and 2005 were alcohol-related, compared with 3.3 percent for the U.S. as a whole."

"The two leading cause of alcohol-related deaths among Indians were traffic accidents and alcoholic liver disease, each of which cause more than a quarter of the 1,514 alcohol-related deaths over the four-year period."

" The study said more than 68 percent of the Indians whose deaths were attributed to alcohol were men, and 66 percent were people younger than 50 years old. Seven percent were less than 20 years old."

"The study recommends 'culturally appropriate clinical interventions' reducing excessive drinking and better integration between tribal healthcare centers and tribal courts, which often deal with alcohol-related crimes." 

Key Question (in connection to this novel and this article): Why do you think Alexie wrote each one of the family members who passed away, to die in an alcohol related incident?  What is the significance of this?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

"Diary of a Part Time Indian" Discussion Questions

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Class Discussion
by Anthony Licata, Abigail Maguire, Sarah Kelly

“I was that kid. It is a very autobiographical novel.”

Initial Impression Questions:
  • Do you like the book so far?
  • How does it compare to other pieces we have read?
    • Common themes or ideas?

Discussion Questions:
  • How did you feel about the way the narrator is treated within his own community?
  • What do you think it means to Junior to be a “part-time” indian?
  • What do you think of the quote “Who has the most hope?” “White people.”
  • What is the significance of Junior asking Roger, “What are the rules?”

  1. Alcoholism
  2. Native American Authenticity and Identity
  3. Reservation life and Poverty
  4. Hope
  5. Self-Esteem & Abuse

  Places from the Novel:

Map of the Reservation and Surrounding Area

Wellpinit School

Reardan School

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Contemporary Connections: Trickster and Raccoons

After reading the stories in "Trickster" I loved the stories about the raccoon. I read an article all about the raccoon symbol in Native American stories/culture.

Raccoon SymbolRaccoon Icon

After reading the article I learned new things about the Raccoon. The article says that the raccoon is an expert at disguise and secrecy. Abenaki say that the raccoon is always looking for food. We see this in the story about Azeban and the Crayfish when Azeban pretends to be dead, he's disguising himself as dead and keeping the secret that he's alive. The reason he does this is so that he can eat the crayfish so that also ties in them always looking for food. It says that the raccoon symbol is strongly used in the Mississippean culture. Many uses of the raccoon in symbolism also represent warfare. There are many paintings and drawings found at burial sites for the Missippeans, where the raccoon has knives and war axes. 

Injunuity Class Discussion- Alice Falco, Ann Coughlin, and Autumn Lancette

Initial Impression Questions:

1) Out of the three video clips you watched ("Buried," "Two Spirit," and "The Great Law"), which was your favorite? Why?
2) What are your thoughts about the topics covered in each video clip?
3) Do you think the topics discussed in each video should have more coverage?
4) Did you have any past knowledge or experience with the topics covered in the videos?
5) What was something you took away from the videos?
6) Was there a video that was confusing or you disliked? Why?
7) What was your impression of the illustration styles?
8) Were the voices in the videos authentic to indigenous people?

Background on the Injunuity Project 

  • These video clips are reflections about the Native Americans' past, present, and future
  • They bring to light the need for Native American wisdom is modern life
  • Each video is spoken verbatim by a Native American
  • The goal of Injunuity is to define the future and look at the future paths Native Americans have today


What are your thoughts about the monument? 

What did you feel when you watched the video and saw the picture of the monument?

The video portrayed White people as controlling and greedy. Do you think this could be seen as offensive or controversial?

"2005 'Shellmound' Documentary Exposes the Truth Behind, and Under, Bay Street Development:" 

Key Points in Article:
  • The documentary called "Shellmound" was filmed by the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism Alum Andrew Cedial and it aimed to reveal how the Bay Street development project disturbed and destroyed the Native American cemetery.
  • The Ohlone Culture was established in 400 AD at the Temescal Creek near the San Francisco Bay. The Ohlone Shell mounds were composed of shells, tools, bowls, animal bones and human burials taht was created over thousands of years. The shell mounds served the Ohlone people as community cemeteries. 
  • Before the mall was built, a pigment plant was built in the 1920s and then left abandoned in the 1990's. Because of this, toxic chemicals that contained arsenic and acid polluted the soil. 

    "The Bay Street shopping mall on Shellmound Street draws hundreds of visitors every day, but few realize the cultural significance of the land that lies beneath it, or venture into the shellmound memorial park tucked into a corner of the mall, Cediel said."

"Two Spirit"

What are your thoughts on the term "Two Spirit?"

"As They Are: Two-Spirit People in the Modern World:"
  • 9:09- 12:09
"The Way of the Two Spirited People:"

Two-Spirit people had various terms in the traditional language of different tribes;

  • The Din éh, or the Navaho tribe, referred to "Two-Spirits" as "nàdleehé" or one who is '"transformed" 
  • The Lakota, or Sioux tribe, referred to "Two-Spirits" as "winkte," 
  • The Mohave referred to "Two-Spirits" as "alyha"
  • The Zuni referred to "Two-Spirits" as "lhamana"
  • The Omaha referred to "Two-Spirits" as "mexoga" 

The Red Circle Project is an HIV Prevention Project that provides services to Native Americans and the Alaska Native Community. They provide various services such as group interventions for gay or transgender Native American individuals and provide HIV testing at Native American events such as powwows.

"The Great Law"

Do you think this video eliminated the stigma of Native Americans being "savages?"

Did you know about Native American government before watching the video?

Was there any confusion on the topic of this video clip?

Contemporary Connections: Joy Harjo and Transitioning Worlds/ The Concept of Death

Image result for crossing over to death

In Joy Harjo's poem "A Map to the Next World" as a reader I interpreted this piece to be about a person's journey through life. In this text she writes of crossing over to different worlds during this journey and sheds importance on using a map to guide ourselves. Ultimately in the  end of the text she ends off with saying that  as a person, we are in control of making our own map through this journey and that there really is no beginning  or end. While reading this poem I was able find several lines that stood out to me. Below are a couple of lines, that made me raise a few questions and ideas in understanding the meaning behind them. 

"In the last days of the fourth world I wished to make a map for those who would climb through the hole in the sky." 

From reading these starting lines, I asked myself " What is this fourth world? Could it be some type of spirit world?" What I loved is that Harjo mentions making a map, for  who I assume are people  wanting to cross over from life to death. She wants to make it an easier transition, an easier journey for the ones who are passing on. 

"You will travel through the membrane  of death , smell cooking from the encampment where our relatives  make a feast of fresh deer meat and corn soup, in the Milky Way."

In these lines,  Harjo mentions traveling through death and talks of cooking native dishes during this time while passing through the Milky Way. What is Harjo trying to do by mentioning the Milky Way? What is the significance of this reference? 

"Crucial to finding the way is this: there is no beginning  or end. You  must  make  your own map."
Ending with these last two lines, Harjo leaves us as readers off with saying that it's up to us to make our own map through this journey. 

After reading the poem, I wanted to search more into this idea of different worlds that Harjo mentioned. I wanted to research this idea in regards to Native America culture and look at different concepts associated with these worlds such as death. From researching, I stumbled across a post that was about the Narragansett tribe in Rhode Island that connected to this idea of different worlds with the concept of death. Once a person passed on, they would transition between two different worlds; which is at the time of death, the soul leaves the body and joins with the souls of their family and friends in the the world of the dead, which lies somewhere to the southwest. After reading this post, it made me enjoy Harjo's poem  even more and helped me understand this concept and it's connection between different tribes in the Native American community.   

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Contemporary Connections: Trickster and the Oral Tradition

                                                               The Oral Tradition

            Within the book "Trickster" there are many Native American stories. Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of compiling a novel like this is the factor of authenticity. The way that Matt Dembiki made sure to honor this was letting each tribal member tell their own story orally. This has been a part of the Native American lifestyle for as long as Natives have been around. It is important to share these stories in the way that they were meant to be shared. An interesting thing about telling every story orally is the minor differences between the lines of the story because every aspect of the plot line is not set in stone or down on paper some people may tell it a little differently. That could have been a concern in the creation of this book but people are used to hearing these stories a bit differently depending on who is telling them. Also as states in the back of the book Matt Dembiki took another step to make sure these stories where culturally sound because he even had the storytellers re-check the story boards just to make sure they were illustrated exactly appropriately. In todays world it is hard to make sure these stories continue to be shared because as we learned from the Ted Talk watched in class, these stories can be lost with each loss of an elder if not shared of if the next generation is not as passionate about sharing them. It was a great opportunity for each tribe involved in the creation of "Trickster" to be able to share their tales for years to come.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Native American Alcoholism

In House Made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday, the protagonist Abel was a Native American war veteran. Similar to other veterans of war Abel turned to alcohol. Many veterans start heavily drinking because it helps them numb the pain that they feel from being in the crossfire of battle. Even though it helped numb Abel's pain for a little while he always returned to the harsh reality of dealing with post traumatic stress disorder. I found a blog titled "Alcohol: It's Different for Native Americans". In this article it discusses why alcoholism is one of the most prominent addictions within Native American cultures.

"Unlike other cultures that have ingested alcohol for thousands of years, the relationship between indigenous Americans and alcohol is relatively new. Native Americans have had fewer centuries to develop the tolerance to alcohol that is present in other ethnic groups. Mix in poverty and living with ongoing oppression, and alcohol contributes to a state of emergency on many reservations."

Reading this excerpt from the blog opened my eyes to how much different alcoholism is for Native Americans. Even though many people struggle with addictions to drugs or alcohol Native Americans struggle more severely. While living on a reservation things can be more intense because of the intimate closeness that Native Americans have. Domestic violence, health problems, rape or sexual assault, dropout, and suicide are all problems that occur on reservations that are usually fueled by alcohol. I felt that after reading this article, it made me better empathize with Abel because of the struggles he went through. Even though he made some malicious mistakes, he was preprogrammed to by war. He simply was using alcohol to forget about the pain he felt deep into his soul.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Trickster relating to Columbus and the Immigration ban.

Contemporary Connections: Trickster and Tattoo taboo

Image result for don't judge on looks, men with tattoos of all his college degrees

There is a common expression that I'm sure most of us have heard since we were young, "Don't judge a book by its cover". The article I read was about taboo tattoo and how despite the lessons we were all taught since childhood, people are always going to judge you based on how you look. The article was written by an Indian woman and focused on how body art can affect how you are represented to others in the workplace, relationships, and by social stigmas. Many jobs will not hire you if you have body art, body art can be a turn off in relationships, and it has the stereotype that you are a rebel with looser morals. The picture shown above is a perfect example of how such stereotypes are often put into place in our culture.

In Trickster, we see in many stories such as Azban and the crayfish, the dangerous beaver, and Ishjinki and the buzzard that not everything is as it seems. Azban pretended to be dead, the beaver a friendly man, and Ishjinki as various animals. Judging others based on what we see before we know who they really are is such a common downfall not only in literature such as Trickster, but also in everyday life. For modern American Indians we have talked so much in class about their struggle with identity. Back in the day, if someone would see a Native American they were immediately labeled as "savage" or "brute". What have these judgmental stereotypes evolved to now? Not every Native American descendant lives in a tribe or reservation anymore, and those that still do do not live in tepees and  long houses anymore. Whether it be tattoos or our race, society always makes judgments based on how we look and will continue to until such stereotypes are overcome. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Contemporary Connections: "Trickster" and Native American Superheros

Image result for red wolf comic
Trickster got me thinking about Native Americans in comic books, and all I could come up with was Apache Chief from "Super Friends". The sad part is that Apache Chief is usually associated or mentioned because of the parodies put on by multiple comedy shows, including "Family Guy" and "Robot Chicken". As of right now, Native Americans have mostly played sidekicks, one-off heroes/villains, or been ignored entirely in mainstream comics.

There is some good news:

Red Wolf, Marvel's first ever Native American hero (debuted in 1970) was given a limited series in 2015. While the writer was white (ugh) the artist, Jeffery Verege, is a Native American artist! While this is a small victory as of right now, indigenous nerds are just beginning to come together and show their pride.

Better news:

The first ever Indigenous Comic Con was held in Albuquerque in 2016, and plans for 2017's edition are already in motion! The convention featured a multitude of Native American artists, such as Arigon Starr and Jay Odjick and garnered a strong crowd from around the country.

Jeff Verege told VICE at the event, "We need to get Native characters and Native creators into the mainstream.That is what this event is all about"

Up until last year, the progress was slow. However, things are starting to look up for Native Americans and their voice within comics, and the growth of Indigenous Comic Con will only help

Contemporary Connections: Joy Harjo and The Ignorance of Diversity

NEW POLL: Belief in Economic Opportunity Unites Americans Across ...

"Everybody Has a Heartache: A Blues"
Invisible Diversity 

This poem by Joy Harjo talks about how everyone has their own problems. In the poem Harjo describes just what is everywhere in an airport alone.  This poem could be rewritten to describe the heartaches of those in a local grocery store, the bank, those sitting in traffic after work. Harjo's descriptions of the people they interact with or see in the poem are more in depth than a person could tell just by looking at any of the people. This could be referred to as invisible diversity. The struggles each individual faces are not often superficial. Those in the poem has unseen problems, like the loss of a mother, money problems, possible abuse,  health problems or even alcoholism.
"Nobody knows, nobody sees"
The poem points out that most only notice diversity when it fits their own stereotypes, when it's right in front of them, loud and different. Our world is and always has been incredibly diverse, both visibly and not. Usually, ethnic background is visible through skin color, as is disability, personal expression, and culture, but not always. Not everyone's background can be told by their appearance, many disabilities do not appear in the form of visible, physical handicaps, gender and sexuality are not discernible to a stranger. Religion, socio-economic status, mental health, physical health, and so much more are not visible to us. Not all diversity is noticeable, and it's still there. Each person that we pass in the hallways, see on the street, and interact with on a daily basis have a complexity to them that one cannot understand by simply looking. Diversity does not manifest itself  in the form of a stereotype.

Contemporary Connections: "Trickster" and Native American Artists

11 Native American Artists Whose Work Redefines What It Means to Be American

The article above gives us an inside look of how Native American artists struggle within their own profession. The article shows us how Native American artists have to fight stereotypes and prove their authenticity, which appears to be a theme in Native American culture. The article also shows us how Natuve American artists face difficulty in regards to being accepted as "real" artists. As you read the article you learn about how the artists also have trouble being taken seriously. As shown in the article, Native American art is always being put in the simple category of arts and crafts, which isn't considered "real art." Another problem Native American artists have to face is the struggle of having tribes that continue to grow smaller; meaning fewer Indians, which ultimately leads to less Native American artists. In efforts to preserve and promote Native American artists and art, the article explores the possibilities of creating
 Native American art museums. However, inevitably there are also a list of struggles that go along with this possible solution.

While reading Trickster in class, it was common knowledge that the illustrators of the book are not Native American. The question was then raised, does this take away from the book being a true piece of Native American literature? Personally, I do not think it does. However, I believe there should have been a greater effort to find Native American artists to illustrate the book. I think that if Native American artists illustrated the book, so many controversial questions would not be raised about the book. It would have added to the whole "authenticity" of the book to the readers. There is this constant struggle of auhenticity in Native American culture (Native American literature Native American art, Native American people, etc...) So why not have the entire book be created by real Indian people that understand their own culture and can give first hand experiences? But even then, would the question of authenticity disappear? I'm not sure it would. I also think that if Indian artists were the illistrators, then there would have been no question of if the characters of each comic were depicted correctly (what clothes they were wearing, what their surroundings were...) In the article, it explains how Native American artists struggle to "find their niche." In my opinion, this book was a perfect opportunity to supply Native American artists with jobs that they would feel comfortable and confident in doing. Illistaring a book like Trickster could have boosted their esteem as artists and it truly could have given them a chance to feel like they truly belong as an artist. 

Contemporary Connections: "House Made of Dawn" and Native American English

YouTube personality Auntie Beachress, who "regularly
employs a particularly unique version of the [rez] accent for
jokes and monologues aimed squarely at Native viewers."

How "Rez Accents" Strengthen Native Identity

The above article describes a study done by Native college students on Native American English, or the "rez accent." This vernacular seems to appear consistently across reservations in the United States and Canada. It is speculated that it originated due to Native children being forced into white boarding schools during the 19th and 20th centuries, and the Relocation Act of 1956. Both caused an unprecedented increase in intertribal contact and communication across the continent, which may have resulted in a standardized Native American "accent." Today, a great many Native Americans do not speak their heritage language, and some, like the study's co-founder, Kalina Newmark, derive a sense of pride from their Native American vernacular. As the article says, "Native identity is being shaped not only by the loss — and revitalization — of heritage languages, but also by the repurposing and remixing of English." There are also those who, unfortunately, have been or are afraid they will be perceived as unintelligent due to their accent. The study's founders stress the importance for non-Natives to understand that Native American English does not reflect intelligence, and for Native Americans to understand that the way they speak is "perfectly fine."

This article reminded me very strongly of Abel in House Made of Dawn. At one point, Newmark poses the question, "how do you reconcile your identity with not being able to speak your indigenous language?" This same conflict appears on page 53, when Abel feels that without his language he is not "whole to himself." Throughout the whole novel, Abel's inability to remember his indigenous language strengthens his status as a constant outsider. It reaffirms his displacement in his own tribe because his father was "a Navajo, they said, or a Sia, or an Isleta, an outsider, anyway," and Abel has no way to combat the idea that he doesn't belong. When Tosamah pointedly starts talking about longhairs and trying to make Abel feel singled out, Abel can have no sense of assurance against what Tosamah is implying, and since fighting doesn't work, Abel is left powerless to defend himself. Ben says that after this incident Abel is "hurt inside somehow, and pretty bad."

Abel's language barrier also separates him from his grandfather. It is most likely part of the reason Abel and Francisco communicate so rarely, and cannot understand each other when they do. During Francisco's sickness, he sometimes speaks in the Kiowa language. Abel "[can] think of nothing to say," thus losing his last chance to connect with his grandfather.

I wonder if this novel would have been different if the "rez accent" had played a role in the discussion of language. Perhaps it would have given Abel a better sense of belonging in his community. Of course, it would only have made him more of an "other" to the white people in the factory and the army who call him "chief" and compare him to Hollywood Indians. Perhaps he would even have been less desirable to Angela if she thought he was unintelligent and didn't fit her ideal of the romanticized Indian brave. But perhaps, within the Native community, Abel would have felt more confident in his identity, and more connected to the others within his tribe. Since Abel's feeling of exclusion adds so much to his inner turmoil, this may have given him some element of peace.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Contemporary Connections: "Horned Toad Lady and Coyote" and Cultural Appropriation

Native American headdresses have become a popular accessory in America. Often, these headdresses are worn by people attending festivals or by individuals in the media. These individuals view the headdresses as a fashion statement, but to Native Americans they are respected items with significant meaning. This article discusses that meaning and the disrespect a person shows by inappropriately wearing one. The author explains that the headdresses people wear as a fashion statement are modeled after those worn by various Plain nations. These headdresses are respected symbols of Native American culture that individuals, particularly men, must earn the right to wear. When non-natives wear these headdresses they are exploiting Native American culture and disrespecting their sacred objects. 

This article is directly addressing the issue of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation occurs when individuals who belong to a dominant group exploit the culture of less powerful groups. This is often done with little to no understanding of the non-dominant groups culture, history, traditions, etc.. 

The concept of cultural appropriation is clearly depicted in "Horned Toad Lady and Coyote." In this story, Coyote, a dominant species, forces the Horned Toad Lady, a less powerful animal, to teach him her song. The Horned Toad Lady's song is very significant to her and is specifically a pottery-making song. Coyote uses his dominance to force her to teach him this song, simply because he enjoys it. Ultimately, Coyotes want for this song leads him to his death. Just like the girls who wear Native American headdresses at festivals, Coyote is cultural appropriating aspects of another groups identity without respecting or considering their culture.  This story shows us the danger of cultural appropriation. Coyote is killed for his actions. While disrespectful headdress wearing may not lead to death, it is incredibly disrespectful to Native Americans. People who wear them are offending an entire culture and group of people. They are disregarding a sacred symbol and tradition in order to fulfill their own wants and desires. This story teaches us that cultural appropriation has significant consequences, and this is a lesson that many people today would benefit from learning.