Friday, February 10, 2017

Contemporary connections: Dakota Access Pipeline and Tracks

Movies express indigenous people very poorly, increasing stereotypes. Portraying them as savages and wise and a sense to nature. Native Americans clothing are even designed negatively giving them a complete different appearance from how it really appears. In Reel Injun it talks about how Native Americans were not allowed to leave the set unless instructed. Nor were allowed to act as anything opposing from the script. If they chose to do so, they would get shot by a guard that was keeping an eye on them. These movies, and cartoon shows, affect not only the culture but their beliefs and who they are as people. it affects them emotionally knowing they have done nothing to be treated so unfairly.
I bring this up to support my claim that white men are constantly just taking from indigenous people, they are not being considerate over what indigenous needs are but rather what can bring them money.

Native Americans has struggled for a very long time. I say "has", because they are still facing some very unfair situations currently. During the Trail of Tears they had to evacuate from their own land due to the government wanting their land. This is strongly immoral, because many of them were forced to leave a land they were at first, and made this land there home,.This is also inhumane because many of them became very ill and died while engaging on the trail. 

The idea of the Dakota Access Pipeline being built on Native American land infuriates me. Here we see that history repeats. Native Americans specifically denied this request to pursue and even fought several times by protesting for this to still occur on Native soil. This shows how inconsiderate our government is and how very little do we cater to those who are poor. Not only does the government take their image away by Negatively expressing how Native Americans act in movies. But also by taking away their culture and traditions.
Allowing the pipeline to be built shows that the government will alter their promise to the Native American people if it means getting more money leading their way.

Regardless of Indigenous people mentioning how this will hinder their water supply Trump still plans to continue. Investing the pipeline on their land means that their rights are being ignored. Rights were informed so that everyone can come to some agreement, to respect one another needs, and how to develop a well structured society; by installing the pipeline shows the opposite.  According to Los Angeles Times article states that,
"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers granted Energy Transfer Partners formal permission Wednesday to lay pipe under a North Dakota reservoir, clearing the way for completion". Ignoring the needs of the people Trump still manages to get people on board. Cheyenne River Sioux Chairman Harold Frazier strongly argues, "is our life. It must be protected at all costs." But in this case, it seems as if  cost matters more than caring for the needs of our people.

Actions about a pipeline on Native American land can relate to the book known as Tracks. In the book they are trying to fight for their land from the white men.  When Nanapush says, "The land will go. The landwill be sold and measure." Relates to the Dekota Access Pipeline because even though the government knows it can alter their water supply what matters most to them is the money their going to receive from having it. The well being of the people in their country doesn't matter but instead how much income can occur.

In Tracks when Fleur is playing cards with the white men they end up losing. It appears as if all is right until she leaves and she is alone. They take Fleur when she is most vulnerable beating her up and raping her. The men could not stand the thought of losing especially to an indigenous person. Very similar to our current situation. Native Americans have land but the white men can't stand the thought of losing out on money, ( just like when they were playing the card game and they felt like they were going to lose). When they were planning on putting the pipeline but then their were large protest happening to try and stop it, it brought fear, (when they thought they were going to win, and Fleur started catching up). They placed the pipeline on their land not caring that it will hurt their water supply, (when Fleur won the game they waited for her to be alone to beat her up). The white men would rather feel like the bigger person that remains in control of the situation. They would prefer gaining money then thinking for the well being of others.
Just like the Trail of Tears (land), culture, and traditions, Dakota access pipeline (Rights) are all being taking from Native Americans. The government keeps taking from indigenous people and ignoring that their in the wrong. the government needs to start taking responsibility for their actions. And stop picking on indigenous people!

Native Americans face issues with pipeline


  1. I agree. My post is similar in that I also mentioned their land being taken away. It is for sure a lose lose situation in that they have no work equalling no way to pay for the land that they should not be paying for in the first place. I did not know about the pipeline issue. What upsets me most is that there open lies taking place. When someone says one thing and then does another a certain line of trust is broken. And in some cases it can not be mended.

  2. I am so glad that someone also realizes the constant unfairness that Native Americans deal with. I do also agree that there's a certain amount of trust that gets broken but this isn't the first time that this had even happen which bothers me a lot.

  3. I enjoy how you pointed out that Native Americans in particular are affected by this pipeline. In the scant articles I've read and news stories I've seen I've only heard about people in general being affected and that it is bad for the land. I had no idea that Native Americans were impacted. They have pointed out it will hinder their water supply!
    I am disgusted that in this day and age we are still stealing from and lying to the indigenous people of this land. "Tracks" took place in the past, but Trump's plan clearly shows this way of thinking still exists today and needs to be changed.

  4. The issue of land that you brought up makes me think a lot about what happened in Salamanca, NY with the creation of the Kinzua dam that flooded out Native land and left a lot of people with no place to stay. The government continues to reimburse the Seneca people for what they did. Imagine how much money future presidents are going to have to put into repairing what he Trump is trying to do to the Naive peoples now. It is so sad that after everyone thought that they won and got the pipeline to stop with their peaceful protesting Trump just comes in and disregardful that for his own selfish and sociopathic ways. He seems not to understand that there are human beings that are going to be effected by his schemes on such a wider scale now than ever before.
