Tuesday, January 31, 2017


My name is Maria and I love to draw! Although I love creating new drawings it is not what I'll be studying. Currently I'm a liberal arts major but I want to change my major to sound recording tech. I am most interested in working with film or music. I hope with getting my degree I get to diminish the stereotypes of it being considered as a "males field ". I want to encourage more woman to be involved in this particular field. As well as encourage low income individuals that if I can make it so can they.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hey, its Taylor Golisano!

Hi Friends, My name is Taylor Golisano. My pronouns are she/her. I had a picture chosen to post that I really liked but I have no clue how to get a picture onto the blog. I am usually fairly good with computers but sometimes mine doesn't do what I tell it after being dropped so many times. Anyway, my picture showed me and one of my best friends on an adventure. That is probably my favorite thing to do. I love to show my friends cool spots on hikes or in the city. My home city is Rochester and I love it more than anything. I could show you anything you would like to see. If you like anything along the lines of nature, unique graffiti, art museums, coffee shops, burrito places, musical venues or just good company than I can map out a plan to perfectly fit those needs. I don't really like to sit inside often I prefer being out with friends old and new.  As you probably can tell from class I am a very talkative and opinionated person, that mostly attributes to how passionate I am about this subject, I consider myself somewhat of an activist and would like to use my degree in the future to go back to the reservation and help my people. I am very excited to to read all these books and share them with my grandfather, I have already told him the concept of trickster and he is very interested. This class is going to be a great place for open discussion and intelligent dialogue. I can't wait to talk about the things that need to be talked about.

Intro. - Dulcinea Lord

Always be kinder than you feel.

Although most call me Dulcie, my full name is Dulcinea. The name originated from the novel Don Quixote, but passed on to the Man A La Mancha musical. Most find my namesake fitting considering I have always been involved in music and theater.
Before coming to FRED I attending performing arts school in southern California for three years. Orange County to be exact. I earned my Associates Degree in Theater before transferring here to finish my bachelors. 
You can always find me at RAC and Starbucks. Previously a scenic designer in the BFA program, I am currently Props Assistant for The Illusion.  I have two very sweet dogs and one cat. Both dogs are now 9 years old. Teddy is a pure bred English Setter and Bingo is an Australian cattle dog/Blue healer. 
No automatic alt text available.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Hello All

Hi, my name is Ann Coughlin. I am currently a sophomore majoring in engineering. I transferred into Fredonia a couple semesters ago from UB. I grew up in Hamburg, New York in an enormous family. I have five brothers and five sisters that I absolutely love, all ranging from the ages of 35 to 8. In the picture above I'm the head to left and to the right is my sister, Grace, who studies at Fredonia as well. I love to read, hike, watch films, and go to concerts usually of the indie rock genre. I'm really looking forward to spending this semester with all of you, and getting to know you all better!

Hey babes

My name is Erin Plunkett and I am nineteen years old. I live in Orchard Park, NY, in a beautiful suburban neighborhood called Eagle Heights. I am the youngest of four children and have two sisters and one brother. My brother Sean is twenty three, my sister Anna is twenty five and my eldest sister Megan is twenty seven. I have a pet cat name Griffin and he loves to cuddle. I went to Immaculata Academy, a Catholic all girls school in Hamburg, NY. High school was an amazing experience for me because I made lifelong friends whom I trust with my life. Even though I loved high school I also love college based on the last semester I spent here. Everyone is so supportive and I feel like everyone is a family. I am extremely excited to take American Indian Literature because it is such an interesting class and I can’t wait to get to know everyone and hear the amazing folktales.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hello, I'm Maia Steese :)

(Sorry about not posting a recent picture of myself.) 
Hello everyone, I'm Maia Steese. I am a Junior who just transferred back to Fredonia as an English Major. I am from Buffalo, NY, and all around a pretty chill person. I have always been interested in learning about other cultures and heritages. I wanted to take this class because it was similar to a previous class I took, which focused on Post-colonial literature. I'm excited to see what this class in store!  :) 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hey Friends! I'm Sarah.

Have an older picture of me without updated hair (so sorry about that):
Hey, my name is Sarah Kelly! My pronouns are she/her they/them. I'm from Buffalo, NY, which is just a little north, and I use a bit more exclamation points than usual! I signed up for this class because I'm always interested in learning about different cultures. I am a freshman Psychology major, working on declaring a dual major in Criminology. I really like things like shouting, feminism, human rights, animal rights, all that neat stuff. I'm just trying to play music and be a better person. 

Hi all, I'm Anthony Licata!

Hi all! I am really looking forward to this class, especially after our great discussion the other day. I am an English major and I am pursuing a double minor in Creative Writing and American Studies. I really wanted to take this class because I think the Native American voice is downplayed in literature, and I would like to diversify my reading as much as possible. I love reading, writing, and drinking copious amounts of tea. You'll probably hear me before you see me around campus. I have a great habit of speaking excitedly about any topic with my friends. Listen not-so-carefully and you'll hear me shouting in the distance.

Hey hey hey, it's Samantha King

Yo homies what's up. So my name is Samantha King. I hate Sam please don't do that to me, if you really want to shorten my name some people call me Antha and I am a-okay with that.

I'm from Albany, NY. I really like starwars, like too much. And music is my thang.

I'm a sophomore cello performance major, yay music. I don't really know what I want to do with my life though so who knows I might switch my major... I don't know what y'all want from me, I suck at describing myself but I tried. 

Thank you for reading,
stay groovy

Hi - I am Erik Rasmussen

Hi everyone,
^pictured above: my 2-year-old cat Callie and I during winter break.
(total ~cat person~ over here)
My name is Erik Rasmussen, and I am a senior voice performance major - I am studying to become an opera singer. The first time I ever saw an opera live was my freshman year here at Fredonia - I was a music education major at the time and didn't think I was "good enough" to be a performance major. After a few years of lessons and noticing how much I improved, I realized I could actually do this, and it was what I truly wanted to do, so here I am now. (After quite a few changing-of-majors throughout a 2-year period)  Since then, I've performed principal roles with the same opera program at Fredonia that inspired me to begin with, performed a (very) small role in a world premiere opera with Nickel City Opera in Buffalo, and will be graduating this semester with a few professional opera/concert credits on my resume already! I'm taking a year off from school before auditioning at conservatories for grad school, where I'll be living at home on Long Island and taking private lessons with a very well-known teacher in Manhattan with lots of (famous) connections/students....eep!

I'm really in this class just for the CCC, to be very honest. It was the only one that fit my schedule. But after our class discussion on Friday, I left thinking to myself, "Thank GOD this isn't a boring 'sit-there-and-waste-my-time' CCC!" because the universe knows I've had enough of those. I am very strongly opposed to the way our government will be run during these next four years, as I'm sure many of you are as well -- Having multiple people in this class who are of Native American descent is really inspiring for me, because I get to learn so much about their cultures right from them in class while thinking of ways to use MY white privilege to help defend fellow human beings who are victimized by ignorance and hate. Being the gay white boy coming from a very large suburban town on Long Island (quite literally "the hood", or one of about 3 big ones on the island) where the population is 71% spanish and 15% black (2013 demographics), I didn't think problems such as racism, homophobia, classism, etc. were actual problems until about middle school when I started going to places in other towns and interacting with other people. Example: "Oh, you're from Brentwood? Have you ever gotten shot?" - an actual question I was asked in my senior year all-state choir by another student from somewhere I've never heard of. I feel that using your white privilege to defend minorities is SO much more than a hashtag #noDAPL, we need to call our representatives, send them letters, tell THEM that WE don't want hate being the foundation of our society...and if they don't listen, we boot them and elect a new official. This class will only help me become more politically active and knowledgable about what I'm fighting for. So, yeah, I think this class will be exciting, so long as I can keep up with the readings! (Haha)

Other than classical music and opera, I've always had a lifelong interest in photography and graphic design - I finally have the room in my schedule to take a digital photography class, and I'm looking to spend the semester and years beyond taking headshots/portraits for fellow performers, as well as performance/recital photos, (maybe) fashion/menswear photography, developing my own artist (performer) website in the future years, and whatever else the universe brings to my future. (I'm very much a believer in "the universe" giving you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. What happens next depends on how you react to it.) So, feel free to contact me for a quick photo shoot if you want, whether it be for professional reasons or just for a new insta post. ;-) I'll definitely be able to use the practice and I would only charge a small fee for my inexperience.

Looking forward to getting to know you all,
- Erik

P.S. Come to my senior recital, Sunday April 30th 8:00 pm in Rosch Recital Hall #fredfest

Hello! I am Abigail Maguire

      Hello everyone! My name is Abigail Maguire, and I transferred to Fredonia a few semesters ago from Jamestown Community College. I am a junior in the Childhood Education program, and love it! 

       A little bit more about me, I am from a small town, Limestone, New York. It is about an hour away from Fredonia, right on the Pennsylvania border. I love the outdoors and spend a lot of time four wheeling or at Allegany State Park. In the picture is my puppy Stella, I am possibly a little obsessed with her. I look forward to getting to know everyone better!

Hi - I am Alex Deering

I am Alex Deering and this is my first semester back at Fredonia, in pursuit of my second Baccalaureate, in English Adolescence Education. I already have a BA from Fredonia in management, and a Master's degree from Canisius in Administration. The past five years I have spent working as a golf professional and instructor near Philadelphia, PA, although I grew up around Fredonia.

The reason I chose to come back to Fredonia is to try and get custody of my two young children from their, chemically dependent and mentally ill mother, -- the oldest, Kali (3) is pictured above. The issue has been ongoing and has made my other career nearly impossible; but has also made me realize where my true niche in society is; - working with our youth. In my job as a golf professional, the large junior clinics and even the individual instruction for young students seemed to resonate the most with myself and my students.

I enjoy reading more now than I did when I was in high school. I have always enjoyed writing and being critical of other writing. Aside from teaching, reading, writing and my custody battle, I like sports, most music (not country), exercising, and the occasional binge-worthy show. - Who am I kidding? I always enjoy a binge-worthy show, not occasionally.

Hey, I'm Shilo Foppes

My name's Shilo, and I use "they" pronouns. I'm a transfer student from GCC. I'm an English major right now, but I'm working towards becoming an English Adolescence Education major. This is my first semester at Fredonia, and I already love it here, mostly because of classes like this one.

This class was actually chosen for me by the teacher who made my schedule, but I'm very excited to be taking it. I've always wanted to understand Native American cultures better, but like I mentioned in class, I never ended up being taught much in middle and high school. So I'm really grateful for the opportunity to study pieces actually written by Native Americans, and to have Native American classmates to learn from.

I am Autumn Lancette

Hello everyone!

My name is Autumn Lancette. I am from Oneida, New York which is about four hours away from Fredonia. I am a freshman psychology major and I absolutely love Fredonia! Quick facts about myself: I love music (Young the Giant mostly), food (sushi, pasta and waffles the most), animals (I have three dogs at home), traveling (I have been all over the U.S but only out of the country once,) and the outdoors. Also, I am extremely family oriented. I am incredibly excited about this class. Not only am I thrilled to learn about my own culture, but after sitting in during the first discussion I am genuinely delighted to be able to work with this group. You all seem incredibly interested and eager to learn which makes this class that much more fun, intriguing, and enjoyable for me. So, thank you!

Hey! It's Jodie White


I am enjoying the energy and vibe our class is having these first few days. It seems we all, or most of us wanted to take a CCC that would actually be helpful and cover interesting topics. My reasoning for taking this class is because, though I am only a small portion, I am a member of the Blackfoot Tribe. And the saddest part is that I don't know much about them and their cultures.

I am senior music education major who will be graduating at the end of this semester. My primary instrument is the French Horn, but I am also proficient on all instruments as I will be a music teacher at some point. My heart lies in my playing my instrument and trying to be the very best I can be each time I sit down to play. My favorite setting to perform music in is in a pit orchestra or hopefully one day, in an orchestra for movie music. I also have a strong passion for repairing and cleaning instruments. I opened my own business 2 years ago and have had much success in terms of connections with professional technicians and performers around the states.

My time at Fredonia is best described as a unique roller coaster. Many changes have occurred since beginning in 2013. I am looking forward to this semester because of all of the people still here, my recital in April, and the new places I will be heading after this semester comes to a close.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello, my name is Alice Falco

Hello everyone! It was wonderful hearing everybody's thoughts and opinions today in class!
My name is Alice Falco, I am a junior, and I am from Queens, NY. My major is music therapy and my minor is psychology. My primary instrument is bass clarinet but I have also played other instruments like tenor saxophone in high school. A few things I have a huge passion for include making and listening to music, painting, making patches for my jackets, hiking, going to the art museums by my house, cooking, watching Wes Anderson films, and Lush products. An interesting fact about me is that I taught myself how to play bassoon in high school and became the first bassoon player they had in about 10 years.
I look forward to seeing all of you in next class!

Hello-My name is Janee Deck:)

Hey Everyone!
I am really excited for this class, especially after our first discussion today! It was really nice hearing all of your ideas and perspectives. I transferred here this past Fall and so far I am enjoying it here. The people are great and I am happy to say that this Spring, I became a part of the Education program. I am doing the Early Childhood Inclusive Program, which basically means I'll teach kids in grades 1-6 as well as those in Special Ed. A quick intro to me is that I am from Kazakhstan; I came here when I was 4.5 years old. Coming from a different country, I've always appreciated diversity which is why I am looking forward to this class. Fun fact: I drink at least 3 cups of tea, usually more a day and I love apples...mostly granny smith! Lastly, although I'm not the best I like writing poetry and I love reading a good book outside! (I never can get enough of the outdoors!)

Friday, January 20, 2017


Welcome to your blog site for American Indian literature. We will use this blog as a virtual extension of our class space. You will all be added as authors to the site so you will have full access to post on the blog. Although I may occasionally chime in, this blog is primarily a space for collaboration with your peers.

This site has been created in order to

  • ·         Extend learning opportunities beyond the confines of the scheduled class time and space, blurring rigid barriers between academic, campus, and community discourses
  • ·         Provide a space for those less easy with speaking in class to have the time to process ideas and contribute to the ongoing discussions of the course
  • ·         Encourage a habit of writing as a collaborative act of communication and dialogue in which students may discuss writing notes,  brainstorm papers, plan projects, ask questions, get feedback on rough drafts etc…
  • ·         Provide a place where visual mediums such as photos, videos, diagrams may be easily shared as well as hyper-text and web links
  • ·         Expose students to alternative viewpoints and experience among peers as well as the opportunity to see how other students are working with and making connections with the course materials
  • ·         Encourage students to form relationships built around academic work

         Please be aware, I will not post course information such as reading schedules,assignment descriptions, due dates, or the syllabus on this site- Please refer to Google Drive for this ongoing course information.